Welcome to my blog! With a multi disciplinary approach, I will offer ideas and discuss topics which will guide you down the path towards a balanced lifestyle. My passion for optimal wellness combined with my thirst for knowledge will present ideas for small changes you can make to get the zest back in you life, reduce stress and get the 'junk' out of your trunk.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Just 10 Minutes !

Perhaps the number one excuse for not partaking in exercise is - I JUST DON'T HAVE TIME!!!
Look back and before you know it, a year or two or three have gone by and you still don't have time.

Good news. It's never too late to start. Yes I said let's start right now. Don't have + Tony Horton's '10 Minute Trainer' DVD? That's ok. you only need some comfortable clothing,  a pair of runners and some floor space. This workout is simple, needs no equipment and can be done anywhere.

The following 10 minute program begins with a short warm up and uses no equipment, just body weight. I call it ' 3-6-9'.

     Warm Up
      Begin the first minute by walking on the spot. Pump your arms.
      Next 30 secs lift your knees higher.
      Last 30 secs jog on the spot.

     Your Set (Repeat the set 5-7 times)
     3 sit ups    (Modify to a partial crunch if you can't do a full sit up)
     6 push ups (Modify by using your knees to perform your push up)
     9 squats    ( Modify by not going as low as a full squat)

Finish with some stretching. Always take time to hydrate as well.

Congratulations! You have just worked all the major muscle groups of the body.